In 2023, Russia relied on increasing the production of some products of the deep grain processing industry in the country, which affected market conditions and export supplies. The results of the industry’s work for 2023 were presented by The Association of value-added grain processing companies (Starch Union).
In total, 390,828 tons of native starches (corn, wheat and potato) were produced in Russia in 2023. In 2022, this figure was 377,824 tons. At the same time, the total volume of exported native starches last year amounted to 20,665 tons. For comparison, in 2022, exports of the same starches were almost twice as large and amounted to 38,372 tons. Imports amounted to 13,329 tons, which is 59% less (32,341 tons) than a year earlier.
The total production of native starches in 2023 mainly increased due to an increase in corn starch — of which more than 328,607 tons were produced (Graph 1). At the same time, corn starch imports in 2023 amounted to 2,736 tons, which is equivalent to less than 1% of import dependence. Exports amounted to almost 19,749 tons, a decrease of 54% compared to 2022, due to higher logistics costs and problems with calculations in national currencies.
Wheat starch traditionally took the second place in terms of production, of which 50,374 tons were produced last year. Its imports amounted to an insignificant volume (24 tons), and exports — 394 tons, having decreased by 73% compared to 2022.
Potato starch production has been relatively stable over the past five years. In 2023, it produced just over 11,846 tons. At the same time, it was imported to the territory of our country in the amount of 7,222 tons (which is 67% less than in 2022), but exported at the level of 2022, in the amount of almost 516 tons. In general, the decrease in imports of potato starch may be due to its replacement in formulations with less expensive corn and wheat, as well as a change in the product line.
The production of modified starches amounted to more than 100,544 tons. This is 6% less than in 2022– when 107,357 tons were produced. In Russia, the volume of production of industrial modifications used as drilling reagents, as well as in the pulp and paper and textile industries, still prevails.
At the same time, imports are mainly represented by food modifications of starches. In 2023, it amounted to almost 54,780 tons (which is 23% less than a year earlier), but only 1,767 tons were exported (65% less than in the previous year).
“Despite the difficulties, the past year has been generally positive. For obvious reasons, the volume of exports decreased (by 10%). Expensive modifications and potato starches have been replaced by their cheaper grain starches. However, it is important to note that the volume of imports decreased by 7%, which has a positive effect on the market situation,” commented Oleg Radin, President of the Association of value-added grain processing companies (Starch Union).
The production of glucose syrups has not changed much — their volumes have reached 499,255 tons of products (Graph 2). Only 27 tons were imported into the country, as Russian enterprises fully cover the needs of the domestic market, but exports to the foreign market amounted to more than 9,300 tons (25% more than a year earlier). Among the main importing countries are Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, the Republic of Moldova, etc.
High-fructose syrups (HFS) were produced in Russia in 2023 in the amount of 293,432 tons. Compared to 2022 (277,823 tons), production volumes increased by 6%. Imports are negligible, amounting to 2 and 36 tons in 2023 and 2022, respectively. Exports are also insignificant, 207 and 243 tons, respectively. The main reason is that HFS is a product of the local market, which is not profitable to transport over long distances. At the same time, the HFS market showed the most positive dynamics among the entire range of products of deep grain processing, which may be due to an increase in consumption of non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beverages in the summer season, as well as an increase in tourist flow within the country.
Maltodextrin production in 2023 amounted to 47,823 tons, a decrease of 13% (54,960 tons) compared to 2022. Some manufacturers saw an opportunity in the production of dry glucose syrups and an increase in the production of glucose syrups . At the same time, imports also decreased to 2,196 tons (3,359 tons in 2022), and exports exceeded 8,632 tons, reducing international shipments by 31% (12,577 tons exported in 2022).
During the year, 20,000 dextrose were produced in Russia. 14,168 tons of products were imported, and exports exceeded 595 tons. Also, 7,320 tons of sorbitol and 9,763 tons of fructose were imported into the country — items not produced in Russia.
As for plant proteins, in Russia in 2023, more than 84,992 tons of wheat gluten (gluten) were produced, which is 8% less than the production of 2022 (92,900 tons). At the same time, the traditionally export—oriented product was exported in the amount of 39,636 tons (which is 55% less than in 2022, 88,734 tons), which may be due to the refusal of unfriendly countries to supply domestic gluten. Its imports amounted to 265 tons, having decreased fourfold compared to a year earlier (1,094 tons).
The enterprises produced more than 59,277 tons of corn gluten (Graph 3), that is, approximately at the level of 2022 — 58,781 tons. At the same time, corn gluten imports amounted to more than 10,266 tons, decreasing by 36% (or 16,101 tons in 2022). But it was not exported from the country.
In 2023, 106,500 tons of plant protein concentrates (soy, pea) were produced in Russia, and 10,000 tons of plant protein isolate (soy). The volume of imports of protein concentrates amounted to 2,684 tons, and exports – 3,009 tons. Plant protein isolates were imported to Russia in the amount of 17,056 tons, and exports amounted to 893 tons.
In 2023, companies in Russia produced more than 111,738 tons of L-lysine sulphate – 22% less than in 2022 (Graph 4). Lysine imports (mainly in the form of monohydrochloride) amounted to almost 29,387 tons, which is 57% less than the level of imports in 2022 (68,783 tons). The export of lysine can be called insignificant, since it amounted to only 258 tons. Regarding other essential amino acids, according to the analytical company Feedlot, 36,300 tons of threonine and 1,580 tons of tryptophan were supplied to the country in 2023.
As for other products of microbiological synthesis, 2,040 tons of acetous acid , 10,302 tons of lactic acid and 69,200 tons of citric acid were imported to Russia in 2023.
“Microbiological synthesis products are extremely promising for the Russian market. For organic acids, the project is already being implemented by Rustark. We produce lysine, but we do not produce threonine, tryptophan and other amino acids. Also, food ingredients can be distinguished in a separate block, in particular, polyols : sorbitol, maltitol, erythritol, etc.,” explained Oleg Radin.
“In general, in 2023, we were able to maintain production positions, but exports of products decreased. But I think that the industry will cope with the difficulties, rebuild, and in the current 2024 the result will be positive,” adds Oleg Radin.
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