The fourth International seminar «Prokrakhmal 2020» – Некоммерческая организация "Союзкрахмал"

The fourth International seminar «Prokrakhmal 2020»

The seminar is directed to the skills development, professional and educational cooperation of the starch-and-syrup industry experts of the EAEU


The seminar is directed to the skills development, professional and educational cooperation of the starch-and-syrup industry experts of the EAEU.

In the program:*

  • Raw materials for processing of starch and starch products in the EAEU member states: corn, wheat, potatoes.
  • Technological schemes of production, modern technologies and equipment.
  • Production of sugary products from starch (syrups, maltodextrins, crystalline glucose, etc.)
  • Production of modified starch. Technologies, equipment, usage.
  • Technical and chemical control and accounting of the starch-and-syrup production.
  • Technologies for the treatment of waste water from starch productions.

* The detailed program of the conference with the speakers list, the participating companies will be directed later.

We invite to participate:

  • Technologists of productions,
  • Chiefs of laboratories,
  • Quality managers,
  • Product sales managers,
  • Purchasing managers.

For participation in the event – Anastasia Rodionova
Phone: +7 925 938-48-98 / 8 (499) 951-45-80


General Conditions

The cost of participation in the conference:

Before March 23rd

After March 23rd

for members of Association

17 000 RUB

20 000 RUB

15 000 RUB

Prices include:

  • Participation in the seminar;
  • Coffee breaks, Lunch;
  • Access to seminar materials.

Interpretation in English and Russian will be available during the meeting. Payment is made through bank account in rubles.


Payment is made through bank account in rubles.

Billing after sending the request marked as “seminar” by

You can also fill out an application on the official website of the Association “Roskrahmalpatoka”

The return policy

n case of your failure to participate in the seminar or refusal of one of the company’s delegates it is necessary to send a written notice of your refusal to the organizers (by e-mail or fax).

Upon notification of a cancellation by March 24th, 2020, 100% of the participation cost returned.

Upon notification of cancellation by April 7th, 2020, 50% of the cost returned.

If the refusal is notified after April 7, 2020, the registration fee will not be refunded.


Date: April 23th, 2020
Place: Kalanchevskaya str. 21/40, Moscow, 107078, Russia,
Hotel “Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya”



9:15 – 9:55

Registration, welcome coffee

9:55 – 10:00

Opening of a seminar

10:00 – 12:00

Session 1:

«Raw materials for processing on starch and starch products in the EAEU member states: corn, wheat, potatoes»

«Technological schemes of production, modern technologies and equipment»

12:00 – 12:20


12:20 – 14:20

Session 2:

«Production of sugary products from starch (syrups, maltodextrins, crystalline glucose, etc.)»

«Production of modified starch. Technologies, equipment, usage.»

14:20 – 15:00


15:00 – 16:40

Session 3:
«Technical and chemical control and accounting of the starch-and-syrup production.»

«Technologies for the treatment of wastewater from starch productions.»


Certificate ceremony

* The detailed program of the conference with the speakers list, the participating companies will be directed later.

Partners / Sponsors

April 23, 2020

Kalanchevskaya str. 21/40, Moscow, 107078, Russia Hotel «Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya

17 000 rub

Prices include:

  • Participation in the seminar;
  • Coffee breaks, Lunch;
  • Access to seminar materials.

Form for Speakers

Our contacts
8(499) 951-45-80